WARNING: This post may contains segmented jokes, segmented stories, names of people you have never heard before. Anyone is welcomed to read but might not get the moral (if any) of what I'm trying to deliver

This post was inspired by Eky's invitation to a game of DOTA to celebrate the end of Gebeng's bachelorhood. I thought to myself... Wow... this is a new level of geekiness, an online bachelor party, playing DOTA. Then it occurred to me we were geeks even since 9th grade. From Warhammer-the tabletop game.... to Counter Strike.... to Warcraft III... and now to DOTA. I must say we are geeks. People can argue that everyone plays that. I beg to differ... Our social life is centered around these games. The 6 of us hanging out together just to play these games. Have we ever get to be as good as those people in competition? The answer is No. We were shit at these games and we are still shit now. I hope I'm speaking for everyone here :)
Btw I have to ask this... since out of the 6 of us, only 2 singles left. Tongga and I are the only one left who can claim the prize right? Not important...

I remember one of the many conversation we have about this day. Who would get married first out of the 6 of us. Well Agung passed away. but who would have thought that Aris was the first to decide to spend his life with someone. CMIIW He's waiting for Aris Jr as well right? The second one to go was Gebeng. I must say I'm very surprised by this. After the 27th theres only 1 'mere' left who's not married (not mentioning names but you guys know who I'm talking about)... and judging by his facebook status, he's very lonely. hehehehehe

Seriously now guys... What were you thinking? Playing Dota for bachelor party? You guys are such a geek. (this is coming from a person who played dota for graduation party) hehehehe. I remember the first day Gebeng are officially in relationship with the bride-to-be. I gave an idea to the group to have a bachelor party for you :) Details are omitted to protect the individuals implicated in the project. That is the kind of bachelor party you should have. Not Dota... tsk tsk tsk. I think you should watch beauty and the geek to learn more about life outside our geeky and peaceful life. You see, Gebeng need some experience, otherwise can you imagine whats going to happen in the first night? It will be hilarious if you ask me. As Aris put it "Harus diabadikan nich malam pertamanya Gebeng"
Theres an javanese poem about this the title is malam pertama "Malam Pertama kok malu-malu, Malam kedua matikan lampu, Malam ketiga nda boleh tau". But knowing Gebeng... I dont think on his first night he'll be shy. There are definitely some leather and whip involves on his first night. Am I right? In this sense he's not too Geeky... more of a mental than a geek. Then again... his choice and I hope the girl enjoys it.
To close this... I on behalf of THE group welcomes Ms. Yayah to the group So the G6 have now become a G7 (minus 1 plus 2). I hope she wont be so judgmental towards me. and Dont worry just because you have a wife doesnt mean that Aris, Eky and I will stop bullying you. The bullying will continue for a long time in the future. :)