Greetings and welcome once again to another post by me :) Before I start, I'd like to welcome 2 new bloggers. Nelly Govinda and her
strayinthoughts and Frida Yasmin's
wedding preparation. This post is inspired by Jason Teen's question on twitter (@jasonteen) regarding toilet paper. It got me thinking about what is the one true and correct way of putting toilet paper roll. I always thought that one way is correct and the other is wrong UNTIL ONE DAY. I found out that one of the toilets in my house uses the other way.
What is a toilet paper? Toilet paper has many functions. as can be seen in the photo, the uses ranges from picking nose, covering head from the harsh summer sun, covering sunglasses to provide an extra darkness, and also acting as a table cloth for the head, so that other things such as biscuit can be placed on the head. However the primary use of toilet paper is to clean up after doing that thing we all do in toilets (
for the guys... not that!!! the other 2 things we do in toilet). This leads to the problem currently being investigated.
There are 2 ways of putting toilet paper in the holder. The first way is to have the leaf on the outside as shown by the picture below.

The second one is to have the leaf in the inside as shown below

Both picture is taken from my toilets.
For one month I pondered and pondered. I look at how other people put their toilet paper rolls. It occurred to me that the way toilet paper is put highly reflects on the individual. I myself prefer the the leaf on the outside. I can just pull the leaf whenever I need it and the roll just roll itself. One day something happens... When you have air-con and cat in the house, be sure to note this. Since the leaf is further from the wall, the air-con makes the leaf move. Cats are

naturally attracted to moving things, be they string, balls or even toes under a blanket. Now with this arrangement my cat have decided to play around with the toilet paper and created a mess. This wont happen had I put the leaf on the inside since there are less space for the leaf to move around. With limitation in the toilet paper problem, all those people who said "
I can just roll it back when that happens." well guess what... I tried to do that and the result? Not as tidy as when the paper just got out of the factory.

Now, this does bother me, since there are no standard on putting toilet paper. I like standardized things. I believe that there should be a standard for everything, including how to put toilet paper rolls. So in my research I found the earliest sample of toilet paper. This is a sample of toilet paper ad from 1893. Its not the earliest, since the Chinese in 6th Century AD was the first one to use toilet paper. (according to wikipedia) However the modern shape only started in 1873. Look what I found. It seems the creator of toilet paper intended the leaf to be on the inside. and it has the explanation to why this is so. However I'm still not sure whether this is valid with the round toilet paper.
ConclusionAfter a long and arduous research on how Toilet paper should be placed. I came to my own conclusion. The correct way depends on you... If you have a kid or cat, I think the leaf should be on the inside to discourage them from unrolling them. If you are a responsible adult then put the leaf on the outside. This will make it easier for you to just roll it and grab the leaf.
Appendix -
Toilet paper sample and their locationPlease post on flicker or picasa if you have other samples of toilet paper. I was actually waiting for one more picture but SOMEONE says that there are too many previews... so I decided to publish it now.

Hani Chahal's house, Interesting concept, I have never seen something like this before... it is a breakthrough in the toilet paper world. Well done Hani Chahal.

Evan Pratama's house, One empty and the other has something... What do people do in the toilet without toilet paper? Your guess is as good as mine...
well well well.. you are a man of word... I thought I'll just check you blog in, just in case there's something new.. hahaahah... I thought the blog will have something to do with candy from childhood,etc? but probably its a wrong info... very interesting... I always think that the leaf should be on the outside... I hate people putting them the other way around..... I always put them back the way they should be according to ME (while whinging of course)..... its quick, easy, you just wipe it and off you go....its a good point you made about the cat and air con or kids... but I dont have any of them...
ReplyDeleteOf course Ms.Gondiva... I had to sacrifice a picture because of it though. The candy was for another post :) its still sitting on my draft waiting for new materials to be added :) Likewise... I'm an leaf-on-the-outside type as well. Although I think my sister might is a leaf-on-the-inside type. I always put it back to the correct way as well. but she never change it back... I think she just doesn't care...
ReplyDeleteCiamik sangat postingan yg ini!! ini memang hal kecil yg kadang suka bikin keki... sama seperti dirimu ya, eijk pun lebih suka lembar tissuenya ada di luar. Mengelap kelamin menjadi lebih cepat, praktis dan gak repot. Kalo lembar tissuenya di dalem mungkin at least makan waktu lebih lambat sekitar 1,5 detik. Gw gak suka! Tapi kadang asisten rumah tangga suka salah dan naro si lembar tissue di bag dalam... iihh bikin repot deh, harus diputer2 jadinya!! btw kalo bikin post baru selang waktunya jangan kelamaan dong ri!!
ReplyDeletePostingan gw khan perlu pemikiran yang tajam, kritis dan jitu sehingga selang waktu dibutuhkan untuk merangkup sebuah materi cukup lama. Saat ini ada 3 post baru yang sedang saya research, dan menunggu hasil researchnya kelar dalam draft. Yang ini-pun jika Mbak Govinda ga nyuruh buru2 idealnya gw masih mau menunggu foto toilet paper dari Yahya dulu.
ReplyDeleteKELAMIN!!! hahahhahha tampaknya sodara gw udah menularkan beberapa hal ke loe yach... itu bahasa dia banget!!!
Ya Emburaa... gw udah nemplok sm eki 4,5 taun! jadi kosakata gw yg tadinya santun dan budiman, berganti jadi kasar dan kayak preman tanabang. Kelamin kata2 fav gw, selalu berusaha gw bubuhkan dalam setiap kalimat! Eki pun sikit sikit banyak ketularan kosakata gw deh... orang kalo jatuh cintrong emang gitu ri.. lama2 otaknya melebur jadi satu! cobain deh.. asyik lho!